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The Stranger by Norman Whitney
a stranger, Dave Slatin comes in an small village in Woodend and very strange things happen since he is there.
The Old Man and the Sea , Ernest Hemingway
The old man and the sea, a short heroic novel by Ernest Hemingway, publishe in 1952 and awarded the 1953 Pulitzer Prize for fiction.
Christmas Time Stories
Here I have collected an assortment* of stories - good reads, you know how much I preach about reading books :) - a special treat for...
"O Έρωτας Στα Χιόνια", Αλέξανδρος Παπαδιαμάντης
" − Νὰ εἶχεν ὁ ἔρωτας σαΐτες!… νὰ εἶχε βρόχια… νὰ εἶχε φωτιές… Νὰ τρυποῦσε μὲ τὶς σαΐτες του τὰ παραθύρια… νὰ ζέσταινε τὶς καρδιές… νὰ...
Short Story: The Gift of the Magi
Gift of the Magi by O. Henry -- Short Story Film -- 1980 The Gift of the Magi (black 'n' white film)
The Anatomy of a Story
What exactly is a story? What exactly is it made of? A storey always follows the same structure: beginning, middle, and end. But is that...
TEDEd Lesson on Edgar Allan Poe
Why you should read Edgar Allan Poe The prisoner strapped under a descending pendulum blade. A raven who refuses to leave the narrator’s...
Book, Tea, and Sympathy: Our Literary Haunt
Δημιουργία λογοτεχνικού ιστολογίου «Βιβλίο Τσάι και Συμπάθεια» - το λογοτεχνικό μας στέκι Τέχνες και Πολιτισμός Γιατί ένα blog? --Η...
Literature Circles: "The Circle of 99"
Λογοτεχνικοί Κύκλοι «Ο Κύκλος του 99» Literature Circles “The Circle of 99” Γενικός σκοπός: Σκοπός του προγράμματος ήταν η καλλιέργεια...
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